Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Race Car Driving Schools

To help realize our hidden desires and long-cherished wishes, Race Car Driving Schools exist. Danger and immense pleasure, juxtaposed together, make up race car driving. Therefore, to drive a race car or to race, we have to attend a proper Race Car Driving School.

Many schools provide excellent Race Car Driving lessons to novices or even experienced drivers. Schools can be divided into several types, such as drag Racing Schools, NASCAR Racing Schools, kart Racing School, GT Racing Schools, and many more. Teaching comprises of a mixture of theory and practical classes. Such schools even provide all the necessary equipment and gear needed while racecar driving.

Using NASCAR-style cars, Finish Line Racing Schools provide a variety of courses all suited to different levels of students. The Buck Baker Racing School also belongs to the NASCAR-style category.

Usually it helps if a given school is accredited by the SCCA (Sports Car Club of America), as it enables the driver to participate in the competitive races organized by the club. Skip Barber Racing School, Russell Racing School, Bertil Roos Racing School, Derek Daly Racing School, Panoz Racing School, and Bob Bondurant School of High Performance Driving are the schools that have been accredited by the SCCA.

Russell Racing School provides courses that span from several hours to several days. Ranging from basic courses to advanced-level courses, it provides excellent driving lessons. Courses such as grand-prix racing, advanced driving and teenage race car driving can all be found at Bob Bondurant School of High Performance Racing School.

Derek Daly Academy and Bertil Roos Racing School use formula racing cars, and their courses also run from some hours to days, covering all the basics needed in driving a race car.

Besides the aforementioned schools, there are other schools which are recognized by the SCCA. The Mid-Ohio School, Pacific Rim Performance, and Driving Dynamics, among others, are examples of such schools. The advanced high performance course of Mid-Ohio School is especially commendable.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Courtesy Driving Schools

Courtesy means 'an act of politeness' or 'something given for free.' Courtesy Driving Schools are those schools which provide driving education at a minimal rate, teaching all the basics of driving, which includes showing courteousness towards others on the road.

Research shows that many adults are often nervous about driving. In contrast, there exist teenagers eager to set out on the road alone without adult supervision. Courtesy Schools help youngsters to get a provisional driver license that enables them to drive under certain conditions. It also teaches nervous adults the basics of driving.

Providing the basics in theory as well as on-road, schools train youngsters to drive. Further schools also testify how many hours of practice the teenager needs before he or she can be trusted alone with the vehicle.

Courtesy Schools such as Courtesy Driving School.com, Courtesy Driving School.net, Ticket School, and Courtesy Driving are all dedicated to imparting Courtesy Driving lessons to all. Being courteous on the road is a virtue often ignored. These schools are determined to turn out safe, efficient, and courteous drivers. Apart from car driving, Courtesy Driving School.com also provides certified motorcycle and auto driving tests.

Offering courses at a minimal cost, some schools even guarantee the lowest prices by promising to cut off 5% from their course fee as compared with the other school course fees. Ticket School and Courtesy Driving School.com belong to the aforementioned category, and hence, reduce prices in certain conditions. Ticket School guarantees complete satisfaction by having a refund policy. Students unsatisfied with the teaching can ask for full refund of the course fee, but only before taking the exams.

Courtesy Driving School.net and Courtesy Driving School.com provide lessons of 'pick up from home and work' to adults afraid or nervous in driving. The latter school even provides such lessons free.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Adult Education Can Make You a Better Income

Adult education could make you a better income. It's a fact.
The average lifetime income without higher education is $1,2 million.
With a degree the lifetime income is about $2,1 million.

But how can I afford to go back to school when I'm need to make money every
day and support a family and pay for my house? No problem!

Today it is very easy to get a degree in many ways. A correspondence course
is one way to start. The Internet has also many courses for you to
choose. Every one of the possibilities has one thing in commom. You have to
be motivated. By choosing to take courses over the net or by correspondence
you can study whenever you want in your own tempo. You can study when you have
time to do it. The best however is to study every day.

You can easily split the courses and payments up in several parts that fit your

If you don't like to study alone you can be networking with other people
through the internet. That will make you feel less isolated than studying alone
at home. You do also have people around you to help you with the questions
you might have.

An education can even improve your health, and a number of research studies
have shown positive correlation between completion of higher education and
good health, not only for oneself, but also for own children.

Adult education can give you a better memory.
When you use your brain you will in fact get more braincells and can even
delay Alzheimers disease by keeping your brain more active. Adults have often
easier ways to pick up things since they are in fact more experienced in life.
Adult continuing educatione keeps you healthy and prevents brain deterioration.

It's easier to get a new job. You could be selfemployed. In modern times you can
only expect to keep one job for a short time. You are going to need to retrain
for next job. Remember: You can't be sacked if you are self-emplyed, but you can
get broke. It is best develop home business part-time until it is earning you
twice as much as your job. Then if you are retrethed from job you won't care.

Why not go for a College Education?

More data and research shows that a college education not only increases a graduates
earning power but also opens new doors and opportunities that would not exist before
they completed their degree. A college graduate gets jobs easier also.

Where do I find information about schools, courses, internet studies and colleges?
Easy. Search Google. There are also several sites around the net that can help
you choose.

Online learning can be completely dynamic and engaging. Whether it is due to health,
excessive job travels, military personnel statoned overseas, or living in a remote
or rural area, contiuing your education and earning your degree online is possible.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

GED Study Tip: Activate Your Learning

Most GED students are busy adults. Whether they're enrolled in a local GED prep class, or managing a self-guided study program, limited time means study time should be as effective as possible.

What makes a study program effective? Successful study is about learning, and the learning process is critical for any student -- whether it's mastering skills for the GED or the skills for a masters degree.

Once students understand how to activate the learning process and understand the learning process itself, it's easier to learn. Learning is about retaining knowledge and owning it -- not about memorization. And this is what the GED really measures -- using knowledge that you own.

Learning is an Active Process

For most people, learning doesn't magically occur by reading or reviewing, or by listening to a lecture. Learning is an active process, and to learn, students need to be involved or engaged with the information. Consider this student's story, from Curtis, a PassGED graduate:

"I failed the GED math test two times. I had passed all the other tests, but it seemed like every time I saw those numbers, it was like a foreign language. It didn't matter how much I studied. I still didn't have a clue. I thought I'd never learn how to do the math.

"Then I took a math course. I learned that lots of the math on the test, well, I already knew it. Like I could do math in my head and I was good at figuring out money, quick like, in my mind. Once I figured out how to work the numbers on the test the same way I saw them in my mind, it was easy to learn what I needed to know to pass the math test."

For Curtis, once learning became an active process, his learning was activated. He discovered a way to be involved and engaged with mathematical information, so he was able to retain the information and knowledge he needed for the test.

Real Learning Requires Relevant Information

Curtis's story demonstrates another learning principle. Real learning requires relevant information. Just consider how many people claim to be poor math learners, yet these same people are wizards with personal finances, estimating, or they can solve workplace problems using analytical ability. When information is relevant, it's meaningful and much easier to master since it makes a difference to life.

So a good GED study plan requires relevant information. Even when the material doesn't seem very relevant, students can make it meaningful by thinking of ways the information or knowledge might apply to their own life. Once information is interesting or important, it quickly becomes real knowledge, knowledge that's used.

Learning is a Style

Learning is a style, and there are plenty of learning styles. The learning process is more easily activated when information is presented in a way that parallels an individual's learning style.

Some people learn best by hearing. Some by seeing, or by hands-on application. And some people learn through combined styles. Some students can immediately see the logic of how material fits together -- or the whole picture, while others more clearly see the details of the different pieces.

Just consider how some math students are very good with equations, but have a tough time with word problems. Then other students master word problems easily but find equations difficult and mind-boggling. Both types of students use different learning styles to approach math.

So it's important for students to identify their own learning style. Do you enjoy lectures? And listening to information? Or do words always seem to create images and pictures in your mind? Or, do you know that you learn best with your hands? Or through movement? By reading?

Once you understand your learning style, you can use it to your advantage. When studying, convert the material to the learning style that makes you comfortable -- especially if the material seems confusing, meaningless, tedious, boring or difficult. Translate test problems, knowledge and concepts into pictures, story form or even create dances, games or models. Whenever possible, use learning materials designed for your learning style, or that that you can easily adapt to your own style.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Why the Need to Renew School Mission Today?

During the last decade of last century, the world has witnessed an unrecorded high-speed scientific and technological revolution which impacted all aspects of life and brought about enormous changes characterised by the swiftness of their dissemination, mainly in the domain of education and training. Obviously, schools -in developed and developing countries- are no longer what they used to be.

In this respect, education stakeholders in Tunisia have anticipated the difficulties that would inevitably arise as a result of these huge transformations, by deeply reflecting on the issue of the renewed mission of the school in a world bound to witness deep changes affecting the structure of society and knowledge, the methods of work and the means of production.

That's why, we can notice that the educational system in our country is witnessing a deep reform movement in order to adhere to a society where high-quality knowledge has become the cause of peoples' development and the basis for their immunity and strength.

High-tech mutations have posed -and continue to posing- serious challenges to school, which had to imperatively reconsider its objectives, methods and means. As a response to these challenges, decision-makers in the domain of education have given educational reform a prominent degree amongst their occupations and made it an absolute priority to upgrade quickly the educational system. In fact, reform redefined the finalities and missions of school, instituted compulsory and free basic schooling, and restructured secondary education, in a manner that makes Tunisian education resolutely turned towards the future. Upgrading educational human resources, official syllabuses and ways of implementing the new reform are basically the 3 strategies undertaken to keep our schools up-to-date. It goes without saying that we are aware of the difficulties we are faced with; it's a battle which needs conviction, patience, commitment and most importantly change of mentalities. Despite some slowness and reluctance -quite normal at the beginning of every change- the process is under way.

Because future-oriented schools require the mastery of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as tools to access the modern society of knowledge, we have taken them both as a means to update our educational system and as a powerful teaching and learning partner. The integration of ICT in teaching-learning processes has become a hallmark that stresses what is known as the Tunisian visionary approach which aims to lead people towards a better future where everyone has a share, a role and a position. These technologies represent a strategic choice in our future-oriented schools and they aim to:

* be used as a teaching aid to assist learners,

* access various fields of knowledge,

* ensure a solid general education in all basic fields.

Apart from equipping our educational institutions with computers and Internet connection and integrating ICT in our everyday school practices, we are contributing to the development of distance education through the Tunisian Virtual School (TVS) which has been launched since 2002. The TVS provides its users -students and educators- with free interactive courses and training tutorials to help them improve their face-to-face education.

Nevertheless, in the domain of ICT-based education, there are still challenges on the individual, national and international levels that need to be overcome because the performance of an education system is no longer measured by the size of the school-going population or amount of funds allocated to it, but by the ratio between those enrolled in school and those who leave and have experienced high-quality learning.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

School Leavers Forging Their Certificates

School leavers in South Africa are forging their certificates in order to have a better chance of finding employment when they leave school. The statistics are not pretty. Only 25% of school leavers will find employment in the formal sector. This means that 75% of people leaving school will not find work! So what do they do? Well many of these unfortunate people end up having to, out of necessity, start their own businesses.

When one considers that my domestic worker who is 27 years old, unmarried and mother of two, has not been able to find any permanent work for 9 years. She has worked on a contract basis, on a seasonal demand basis, for a company that manufactures calendars. She has been employed for 3 months out of 12. The rest of the year she has no work. So the one day we are able to employ her a week, helps in a tiny way to alleviate her rather impossible situation.

In addition to this, the education system that existed when she wrote her final exams in 1998, had very little or no relevance to her challenges that would face her in later life after school. Since then, the Department of Education has tried to address the lack of relevance in education through introducing Outcomes Based Education and specifically courses such as Economics and Management Sciences (EMS). EMS is aimed at trying to equip learners with relevant skills they so desperately need in life after school. This assumes that firstly teachers have the time, training and inclination to effectively impart this knowledge onto their learners and secondly, that the EMS curriculum is relevant to the demands facing them when they enter 'the real world'. It is a long road before this situation is rectified. Don't believe me? Ask the minister of education Naledi Pandor. She will tell you that she could do with all the help she can get.

Yes we need to create jobs, but this is not going to happen over night. This will take years to happen. We need another solution for the short to medium term. The fact is, it's not so much about school leavers finding a job, but rather they need to create their own! They need a relevant education system that allows them to look after themselves as they leave the safe schoolyard walls and empowers them to cope with the harsh realities of life in the 'real world'! There has to be a better way, a different way, a way that works!

We have to find a better way. The Status Quo is just not working! For those who are interested in helping us turn the old order upside down, shake it all around and come up with a relevant approach, a novel approach an innovative approach that works, one where we somehow can find a 'different way', then please visit my website on ka-chingworld.com and let me know how together we can do this.

Gregory Bunyard is the co-author and founder of the Ka-Ching! Business Parenting course. Bunyard studied for his BCom at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa where he majored in Business Administration and Industrial Psychology and thereafter obtained an MBA from the Edinburgh Business School in Scotland. He has worked in Johannesburg, London and in the USA and has travelled the world. He is very much an entrepreneur himself - currently consulting to business owners.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Which Culinary School Is Right For You?

Are you fresh out of high school, and appreciate good food? The United States has many culinary schools and the job market is booming, so if you have ever been curious about the possibility of turning a natural love into a career, read on. At the very least, you will have fun choosing which culinary school would be perfect for you.

1. Art Institute (AI)

This institution's culinary program is excellent. They are actually one of the leading institutions for students who are looking for not just a culinary school but a place that greatly specializes in the creative arts. Culinary programs of the Art Institutes are top-notch education and training in the following culinary fields of expertise: culinary arts, the art of cooking, restaurant and catering management, baking and pastry and culinary management. The availability of these culinary programs may vary from one Art Institute culinary school to another. It's best to call your chosen campus location first to verify if they're offering the courses that you're interested in. This will help you save time in trying to find the best suited culinary school for you.

2. Atlantic Culinary Academy

The Atlantic Culinary Academy is actually a division of the popular McIntosh college. This culinary school boasts programs that specialize in Le Cordon Bleu training as well as associate degrees in Culinary Arts. This culinary school is known for being able to teach and train its students in just 18 months. And, in addition to the completion of their culinary courses, the students will also earn the Le Cordon Bleu Diplome, a highly recognized international culinary arts diploma.

3. California Culinary Academy

In San Francisco, California, this school is located in San Francisco's Civic Center district as well as in the hip and stylish Portrero Hill district. Aspiring chefs flock to this culinary school because it is internationally known for being able to produce some of the world's best chefs. This is made possible through their extensive training programs, great cooking facilities, and excellent instructors.

4. Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts

This school has several locations in Atlanta, Minneapolis, Las Vegas and Florida to name a few. It is a culinary school that is highly revered for its Associate of Occupational Science Degree In Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Arts. There is a fifteen month program that includes a highly extensive cooking technique and training program, but what makes this school unique is their inclusion of an internship wherein the students of this culinary school will gain over one hundred hours of real on-the-job experience before they ever leave. This is a classical culinary school for aspiring chefs, and oh yes, one more thing, it is also incredibly demanding.

5. Online Certificate

For those who simply don't have the luxury of time to just actually go to a normal culinary school, there is the Art Institute Online, that hopes to be able to reach out to more students who are interested in taking up art courses as well as courses regarding culinary arts. This online program is actually uniquely designed for working people who have already earned their Associate's degree. Of interest, this program combines all kinds of courses such as human resource management to law and ethics and accounting. Why, you ask? The program is aimed towards culinary arts students who are thinking of opening their own restaurant someday.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Distance Learning Online - Distance Education Program

One of the best things that the Internet has produced is the ability for distance online education providers the chance to educate people all over the world from their computer.

With the global economy being as competitive as it is, people from all over the world can learn online. Online education doesn't just mean college courses. The sky is the limit on the certifications you can gain online. There are people right now taking courses for careers covering every aspect of our economy. Distance learning can educate people in fields such as:

Computer Certifications

There are hundreds of thousands of online students taking Microsoft training courses, Cisco, Internet Security, Web Design, Programming, and on and on...

Computer degrees are the most sought after certifications in this ever growing IT economy. With requirements always evolving, students must have the current certifications covered.

Healthcare and Nursing

The healthcare industry has not stopped it's expansion. Courses related to home care, nursing and more can be delivered online by distance education schools. This is especially helpful to full or part time mothers that are unable to go to a traditional school.

Medical Billing and coding courses are very popular online and can assist a stay-at-home parent by allowing them to earn their certificate from home.

Finance and Investments

Courses to become real estate agents, appraisers and home inspection are available. These online programs can earn the student a license and gain continuing education credits in the real estate market.

Investment brokerage licenses such as the Series 7, Series 6 and CFA exam can be learned using distance home study courses and interactive multimedia programs.

The insurance industry has been a leader in the online programs that are available. Virtually every large insurance company in the country utilizes distance education online for educating their agents and managers. Continuing education is vital for them.


Passing the CPA exam and be a major challenge. Their are several very successful home study providers for this exam. Most will have DVD video classes along with text books and testing CD's.

Sales and Marketing

There are excellent schools that specialize in professional distance education for sales training and marketing. These types of courses are always good to consider, because they cross over industries. Everyone could use a sales a marketing course. This would include small business owners who find it difficult to break away and go to a traditional school.

High School and College Degrees

Thousands of learning institutions allow you to earn a high school diploma and college degree by utilizing distance education methods. There have been wonderful advancements in this area. Home schooling for kids has never been easier as well. Parents can enroll in accredited distance schools and be assigned homework, participate in web based classes, and take their required courses all on online.

Not much is certain in life, but the growing market of online education programs is sure to grow more each year. For the individual, it allows for easier career changing. Working a full time job and earning course credits on-line is a mainstream way to improve your career goals and possibly change your life.

Good Luck!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

GED Study Tip: For Real Knowledge, Reinforce the Learning Process

Once GED students discover how to activate the learning process, it's equally important to reinforce learning since real learning happens when you use knowledge, especially if it's fresh. And since learning is really a lifelong process, lessons on how people learn -- and continue to learn -- are good ones to understand.

Learning is a Self-Controlled Process

People learn faster and better when they control the speed of learning. In most classrooms, it's the teacher who controls the material. So its important for GED students to determine their own learning speed, and to devise methods or a study plan that accommodate that speed.

Self-guided study is a good way to control the speed and pace of learning. But when self-directing a study program, it's important to make study a habit, whether short periods for studying are set aside for each day, or longer periods two to three times a week.

In classroom situations its more difficult to control the speed of learning since instructors follow lesson plans. So talking to the instructor may help. Just explain that you need a different learning pace. Some students may learn better by moving more quickly through material, while others need extra time.

Regardless, once a student understands that they need to control their own learning -- and the speed in which it takes place -- learning is easier. They can then identify the most comfortable speed, and consequently, learn faster and learn more.

Learning Requires Rapid Feedback

Feedback is a critical part of the learning process, one that's often overlooked. The more immediate and meaningful the feedback is, the quicker people learn.

Consider how many classroom situations work: Information is presented over days or weeks -- or sometimes over months. Then students are tested. Until they see test results, students may not know whether their learning is effective.

The best learning situation gives the learner immediate feedback on their progress. A good GED study program should include continuous opportunities and methods for students to connect their learning efforts with their outcomes. This way, students can quickly identify whether they've learned material or need to learn it better. Meaningful feedback also reinforces the learning process because information is used quickly and frequently. It's the key to keeping new information -- retaining it instead of just remembering it.

Real Learning Means Real Knowledge -- Use it!

Once you learn material and gain new knowledge, use it. Use it every chance you get. Using new knowledge ensures ownership, and enhances critical-thinking skills, the most important skills measured by the GED.

Here is a good example of how one successful PassGED student gained real knowledge through the application of it:

Maria, studying for the GED Language Arts reading test, encountered an unfamiliar word in a literary passage, the word 'superfluous.' Initially, the word just seemed confusing. She wanted to check the word in a dictionary, but remembered that she wouldn't be able to take a dictionary to the official GED test site. And she had learned in her online GED class how to look for context clues to find word meanings, especially if the word seemed to be key to the passage. Maria found three words that seemed to point back to 'superfluous.' One word was 'extra,' another 'over-abundant' and the other 'excessive.' Maria also saw that superfluous had a root of 'super,' which seemed very similar in meaning to the other three words. So she was sure that she was right. Her dictionary confirmed it.

Through the next few weeks, Maria began using new words she was learning during conversations. After a short time, these new words came to her more naturally -- she developed complete ownership of her new knowledge. Not only was her vocabulary expanding, she discovered that it became easier to move through Language Arts passages. Her feedback scores were climbing. Also, the essay portion of the exam suddenly seemed much less challenging.

Maria was delighted. She wasn't just pleased at her new ability; her studies now seemed more like a hobby instead of a chore. And she wasn't the only one impressed.


Maria's story is an excellent example of all three principles that speak to reinforcement of the learning process.

When Maria first encountered a difficulty, she controlled the speed of her learning. She moved through the material at her own pace. She used a test-taking technique she had learned to provide immediate feedback. And it wasn't a test that initially provided the feedback. Similar words provided the feedback she needed, and a dictionary confirmed it.

Then, Maria used her new knowledge. By using it in everyday situations and conversations, she quickly became the rightful owner of the knowledge. This new knowledge further helped her in her GED study program -- reflected in her test scores, improved critical-thinking skills and in a more willing attitude with benefits well beyond the GED.

Monday, August 8, 2011

What The Students Say - Partial Results From The Woodbury Reports Parent/Student Survey

For the past few years, parents and former students of private, parent-choice, residential schools and programs have voluntarily submitted surveys to Woodbury Reports, Inc. These schools and programs are specifically designed to meet the special needs of their students. To date, we have received 404 completed surveys, 52 (13%) of them were from people who had personally attended one of these residential schools or programs.

With the accusations floating around that these schools and programs are harmful, abusive and only in it for the money, the former students who answer the survey questions provide information that shows how they personally view their program experiences. Though the surveys from the 52 former students gives some hint as to what kind of experience these students had, it is still only a small sample of the thousands of students who have attended one or more of these programs over the years.

At the end of each survey, participants are asked to give an overall rating of their experiences on a scale from zero to five; with zero meaning they thought the experience affected them in a negative way, and five indicating their experience was very effective and appropriate. Of these responses, the average was just a shade over three, indicating the average experience, in their opinion, was helpful. This average was mildly positive, neither a ringing endorsement nor a condemnation of the industry as a whole.

Comparing the comments from the former students was very interesting also. For example, I looked at the comments from two students who attended the same boarding school at approximately the same time period. It is likely these two students were exposed to the same program, the same staff and pretty much the same peers. The student that rated her experience a zero described the school as "emotionally abusive" and "depressing, traumatic, painful, sad and deeply disturbing." However, the student who attended the same school at approximately the same time period and rated her experience a five, described it as "hard, thoughtful, life changing, physical, demanding and the best time of my life!!!!" It is clear that these two radically different subjective reactions describe the respondents more than they describe the school. It suggests that the one student was in a place that was wrong for her, while the other was exactly where she needed to be. It describes the appropriateness, or not, of the placement more than it describes the school itself.

To take a closer look at the collection of 52 surveys and evaluate the differences between them, I'll compare the group who thought their experience was harmful and gave it a zero with the group that rated it a five because they felt the experience was very effective and appropriate. The following two tables will explore the statistical differences between the groups, as well as some thoughts on what these statistics might be telling us.

Overall Rating of Zero--13 Surveys (25% of student responses

Female--8 (62%)

Male--5 (38%)

Students who exited a Program 7+ years before filling out the survey--8 (62%)

Graduated the Program--7 (54%)

Left Early--6 (46%)

In the Program more than one year--8 (62%)

In the Program less than one year--5 (38%)

Overall Rating of Five--22 Surveys (42% of student responses

Female-- 17 (77%)

Male--5 (23%)

Students who exited a Program 7+ years before filling out the survey--4 (18%)

Graduated the Program--19 (86%)

Left Early--3 (14%)

In the Program more than one year--16 (73%)

In the Program less than one year--6 (27%)

Remaining Breakdown of Student Ratings:

Four Rating--Five students

Three Rating--Four students

Two Rating--Five students

One Rating--Three students

(After the survey was discussed and debated on the Fornitz website a few months ago, we received a rash of submissions from former students. This is a site that tends to be very critical of these residential schools and programs, and the site participants were encouraging people to express their negative views in our survey. Ironically, these recent submissions hardly changed the average at all for former students, since the high ratings balanced out the negative ratings).

The first observation is that almost twice as many former students gave the top rating as those that gave the lowest rating: 22 (42%) to 13 (25%). This alone suggests that those former students that were positive about their experience significantly outnumber those that were negative about their experience. It also appears that females are slightly more likely to give a positive rating than males.

In looking at those finishing the program more than seven years before filling out the survey, there is a significant difference between the two groups. Of those who had finished their program more than seven years ago, 62% indicated a zero and only 18% rated it a five. This might suggest that the longer a student has to reflect on their experience, the more negative the experience becomes to them. However, when looking closer at these results, it showed that almost half of those giving a zero rating also indicated it had been 15-20 years or more since they had finished, whereas, none of the students rating the experience a five had been out of a program for that long. This suggests that much of the criticism and feelings of it being a negative experience comes from former students who were exposed to a different type of program such as Straight, Inc. Although they were in style many years ago, programs like Straight are harshly criticized by many of the current programs who see their approach as radically different

The survey results from those who graduated as opposed to those who left early, shows another significant difference. A ratio of 46% to 14% respectively, indicates that those rating it a zero were much more likely to have left early, in comparison to those rating the experience a five.

The comparison between those in a program for more than or less than a year doesn't seem significant, which indicates the length of time for a program does not seem to have much relationship to whether attitudes toward the program are positive or negative.

Monday, July 25, 2011

School for Children with Social Difficulties

Choosing a school for children with social difficulties is a very difficult task. Parents know that the school they chose will have a big impact on their child's self-confidence, their ability to learn and their childhood experiences. Get it right and you can help them learn and overcome many barriers and many difficulties they may have. Get it wrong and it can become practically a daily nightmare.

What are the options?

There are four ways to teach children with social difficulties:

o Home Education or Private Tutoring

o Special Schools for children with learning difficulties

o Private Education

o Regular State School that has special needs facilities

Each of these schools will have their own set of benefits and disadvantages. If you are looking for a specific type of school that teaches children with social difficulties then you may be lucky to have one close by or unfortunate to find that the closest one is 100 miles away. So your options are limited to what's available or what you are prepared to extend to.

Which option will be best?

This depends on the child as well as the schools that are available to you in your local area. To determine which school is best, parents have to see what their child needs the most and what is going to the best learning experience. Once the parent has a good idea about which school will be best then it is worth giving it time to allow the ups and downs to settle from the initial change. Even if parents make the best choice there may still be problems. Certainly moving children from one school to another to try out the best option is going to cause problems with the constant change.

So the best thing to do to find out which school is best is to do your homework into what the schools are offering. Talk to the headmaster. Get them to be straight with you about what facilities they have, what experience they have with children with social difficulties, how they would handle behavioral problems if they occur. See what the schools are like, if they have places for children to go to when they are feeling bad or want to get away from the noise of the playground.

What are you child's needs?

Each of the school choices can be a valid option and will depend on the needs of the child. For example children that are suffering with social difficulties may chose home schooling where their interaction with others can be more closely controlled. Children that suffer with more severe learning difficulties or concentration levels may need more patient and understanding and so a special needs school may be best. The following is a good checklist for things to consider when considering what type of school may be necessary.

o Physical abilities

o Concentration level when learning

o Concentration level with others

o Ability to interact with others

o Ability to conform to rules

o Ability to deal with ridicule/bullying

o Ability to control own behavior and safety

o Ability to be unsupervised

o Self confidence and need for motivation

Some seem a little harsh to think about but these are serious issues that should be considered. For example, some children with social difficulties have a tendency to run out of class when their environment feels threatening, so you would not want to send them to a school where they can be easily lost or could spend time unsupervised. Some children are overwhelmed by the size of the school or number of children so you may want to send them to a small school with a small number of children.

Whatever your options are the choice is not an easy one. So if you are deciding between a specialist school that deals only with children with social difficulties, a private school that has a special needs program and achieves great results, a state school that has small class sizes (not likely), or even home education the choice may not be so easy to make. This is why the choice has to come down to the type of child because they could do great things in a low performing school or perform badly in a high performing school.

The best choice is a school that will make them feel the best, the most motivated, the safest and that they get the most from. So whether you chose home schooling, a special school, a private or even regular state school, if you choose a school that allows them to enjoy learning the most then you are not likely to go wrong.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Driver Education Online

Going online to take a driver education course is becoming very popular because it is not only convenient, it saves a lot of time and money. Compared to the boring routine of attending driver education classes, one can now study in the comfort of their home, at their own pace, whenever and wherever they want.

Online driving courses are designed to be fun, interesting and easy for people of all ages. It is especially convenient for young drivers who are ready for a driver's license, yet do not have time to attend an additional driver's education classes. Most online driver education courses do not have any fixed schedule or time line for completing the course, which means that there is no pressure at all. These courses can be studied using any computer; you do not need any fancy gadgets or special plug-ins. You can use any Internet connection.

There are a variety of accredited driver education courses available online offerings different options for different states and varying in prices and packages depending on the program you choose. Do an online search to find a recognized driver education school that is certified by the stated, study the course material assigned and complete each chapter at their own pace until they pass the final exam and receive a certificate of having successfully completed the course.

Here are some pointers on how to select the best online driver education program. First and most important of all make sure that the program you are about to take is recognized in your state.

Next look for programs that let you try the course before you sign up for the program. This is a good way to judge the program and see what you will be learning.

Finally, it's always a good idea to have the school's contact details because remember this is an online course so see if the website provides customer support or help numbers that you can call.

Driver education is extremely vital and essential especially for young and new drivers. These courses help in producing better and more responsible drivers who are not a danger to themselves or to society.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

5 Tips to Choose the Online Nursing School Right for You

No one can tell you which online nursing school is right for you. As a rule, you must be the one who chooses which path to take and how you want to get there. The differences between the online nursing schools are varied and one needs to be aware that they all have their pros and cons. However, if you make a wise and informed choice then you are half way to your goal. If a nursing school fits with your schedule, needs and personality than there is nothing stopping you from succeeding.

Bear in mind that no matter which online school you choose you will still need to take part in clinicals which require 'in person' teaching to complete your degree. So before you have earned the degree you will need to transfer to a land campus school.

1. First and foremost check out the fees that the online nursing charges for their courses. This is probably the most important part of choosing an online nursing school. It is the common practice of all reputable online nursing schools to be up-front with their fees. They realize it is important to new students to know how much they will be paying for the course. This will help to build trust in the school as they put fourth the effort to respect their students by offering their fees in an honest manner.

2. You will need to check out the course requirements before signing up for anything. Each school has different requirements that must be met before entering their program. These may include a high school diploma, previous nursing courses, or specific course studies from other schools. All of these requirements are easily located in the prerequisite area of the course description.

3. Time available is very important when choosing an online nursing program. You will need to check and make sure that you have the minimum amount of time that is required by the school to dedicate to class and course type studies. Most of the schools that offer online programs operate on the same premise of standard schools and require that students complete a minimum number of hours in class room study to be eligible to graduate. All of the time that is required will be listed in the course description during the review process.

4. Degrees offered is another area where one should put fourth some effort in research. If the online program does not offer the degree that you need to get the job you want then it is useless to you as a school. Through most of the online nursing schools you can choose the type of degree that you wish to obtain and enter the course of study as set down by those guidelines.

5. Finally you should determine if the school you are looking at fits the individual needs that you have. If a school does not fit the most basic needs than it will not be of much worth to you as a student. If you have special needs or require an aggressive course study you should check with the online schools advisor to ensure that they can accommodate such a need or desire.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Test Taking Skills Comparing Low and High Performing Students

In a previous article I wrote about the impact of expectations on student test performance. It was determined that major impacts in student achievement can be made merely but adjusting what we believe to be true about a particular student or group of students. Upon further reflection it seemed there must be some particulars other than positive thinking on the part of the teacher that would also impact student performance.

This article provides a brief examination into those characteristics that separate high achieving and low achieving students.

Here are some of the common characteristics of high achieving students and their lower achieving counterparts.

High achieving students have positive self-esteem and greater self-confidence in their abilities than lower achieving students.
High achieving students do not feel intimidated by tests and feel well prepared for all types of tests, low achieving student express opposite beliefs.
High achieving students are more persistent with regard to their school work and doing well on tests.
High achieving students are more likely to use appropriate strategies when taking tests.
High achieving students are more "test-wise" than low achieving students.

Test wise is defined as adept at demonstrating the following skills.
They are more able to follow instructions and directions.
They are more familiar with test formats.
They are more adept at avoiding common mistakes.
They know how to use their time more effectively and efficiently.
They can optimize their scores by taking informed, educated guesses.
They can apply test-taking strategies to solve different kinds of problems.
Lower performing students are noted to state they feel little information is provided about tests, the purposes of testing, how the tests will be utilized and what the results mean.

Lower performing students are more likely to state their teachers do not go over test results with them or explain what those results mean.

Lower performing student are more likely to state they are not made aware of upcoming standardized test in advance.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How to Cope With Distance Education?

There are a few drawbacks of distance education. You will not be able to develop personal relationships with your friends, teachers or other associates, but it is desperately needed to enhance your learning process. This method of learning can bring success, provided a set of guidelines is followed.

1. Follow a regular schedule, choose a proper place to study and determine a goal to be achieved: As you will not have any superiors, it is your duty to sincerely set a timetable and follow it accordingly. Choose the time that suits you the most. Do not give up the refreshing activities such as jogging, relaxing or playing. Do not work at a long stretch. Take a few naps in between and spend your time with some light snacks and water.

Strive hard towards the targeted goal by using different techniques of fast learning and thus make your lessons more interesting. Do not add stress your mind in this process by learning too many concepts at a time. Do not just study for the heck of writing an examination, but see to it that you have learnt a valuable lesson for your life.

2. Increase your level of interaction through discussions: Maintain contacts with people belonging to your stream. If you are specializing in the field of finance, meet financial advisors, chartered accountants or any other finance professionals who will enrich your knowledge. Even your friends play an important role in this regard. If you have completed an assignment get it proof read by them as they may pinpoint your trivial mistakes. Find a suitable mentor who will clear off all your doubts. Use the Internet facility to enter into chat rooms and discuss the relevant matter with someone online who is familiar with your topic. You are solely responsible for building your strengths and coping up with your shortcomings when you are studying through correspondence.

3. Congratulate yourself for your success: Do not hesitate to celebrate this happy occasion. You should be proud for the efforts and you should celebrate when successful.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Using Random Student Cards in Class

Much has been said and written lately about providing students with choices. I'm all about any methods which will improve student involvement in class, giving them ownership in their learning. There are many ways to give students choices, options, or just to provide random results and change up the monotony. This article will discuss how to use random results in typical class situations.

Ever wonder if you choose certain students more (or less) often in class than others? Or would you like to be able to completely call on students at random?

A great technique is to make and use an index card deck with your students' names on the cards. On the first day of any of my classes, I pass out blank lined index cards (we use the 3 x 5 size) to all the students. I then have them fill these out with information we can use later on in class. Then I collect them and keep them separated by class with a rubber band. Then I can quickly access the names of all of my students. This helps for learning their names quickly too.

The random calling technique will increase your students' attention, since any one of them could be chosen at any time without you playing favorites or ignoring anyone. Always try to choose several students each time you use the cards, and everyone will quickly understand that they may be the next person called. No student wants to be embarrassed, so they will all formulate some type of response to give in case their card is drawn next.
What information needs to be on the cards? That depends on what you want to know about your students. I ask for at least their names, parent's names, and phone contact numbers.

In one upper corner, write in the student's hour (I also like to circle the number) so you can sort them out easily later. Other useful information could include text book or calculator numbers, birth dates, and even students' interests or hobbies.

How often do I use the cards? Several times each hour! We use the cards in warm ups so everyone has a random chance of being picked. The cards are used for choosing random teams or groups. They are great for class discussions, since students cannot just be quiet and disappear; every discussion question can be answered by several students in succession, who must either build on previous information given or generate a new line of thinking. I also use them to ask questions before students are dismissed. If the question is answered correctly, I let that student leave early.

The cards can be shuffled each time you use them, or you can leave the order and pick up there again later, ensuring you've called on every student before repeating.

Now, can you stack the deck? Of course! Because you hold the cards, only you know if you've chosen truly at random. This is useful when you just know a student isn't paying attention, or if you want to check understanding by a specific student.

Should you worry about students who still seem to never be called upon? That does happen, but it will even out as the year goes by. I've had the opposite happen too, where a student was actually chosen three times in a row, even though I shuffled the deck each time!

Student hobbies or activities can be great for making connections to class material. As a warm up or sponge activity, for example, use your cards to randomly call on students to state how what they learned in class could be applied to or connected to their hobby.
The cards are great for choosing students to read aloud in class. And as the teacher, you can still stack the deck to match up appropriate students with a paragraph's difficulty level. I also try to assess student's reading ability by choosing particular passages I want them to read aloud. Then I make sure the student's card is chosen.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Driver Education Tests

Driver Education tests are mandatory for students who want to prove that they are safe drivers and are qualified to get a driving license. There are three driver education tests conducted by the Division of Motor Vehicles or DMV. They are knowledge test, the vision test and the skill test. Students must pass all three in order to get their license.

The knowledge test is a written examination that consists of multiple-choice questions. Students are required to score 80% or better in order to pass. This test evaluates the student's knowledge of the traffic laws, safe driving practices and recognition of road signs.

There are many knowledge test tutorials and driver license handbooks available for students preparing to take the DMV written exam. Many websites on the Internet also provide students with online guides and practice tests that are guaranteed to help them.

For the visual test, students are tested and must have a visual acuity of 20/40 with or without corrective lenses. Those with a visual acuity of less than 20/40 will be referred to an eye specialist and must then reapply for the test. There are different visual acuity standards for different states.

The skill test is the most crucial as it measures a student's ability to drive a specific type of vehicle. Here the examiner will monitor the student's skill in controlling the vehicle and how well they obey traffic laws. Students have to pass the knowledge test first in order to qualify for this skill test. Students are placed in a test car and required to drive in regular traffic with an authorized examiner who will ask them to perform certain driving maneuvers. These include starting and stopping the vehicle, using mirrors, controlling the vehicle, parking and pulling out of parked positions, backing out, defensive driving, obeying traffic signals and signs, etc. They will also be asked to do emergency stops and demonstrate the proper use of arm signals and automatic signals.

The examiner will grade the student on every aspect of performance and if he/she scores 80% a license is granted.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Driver Education Classes

Driver education classes teach students the basics of driving and cultivate responsible attitudes and behaviors that are crucial in reducing the risk of driving accidents and injury.

There are various driver education courses available throughout the country and each state has their own driving rules and regulation. Therefore, it is important for students to ensure that their driver education course is certified and approved by the state.

In order to be eligible for the driver education classes it is mandatory for all students to have a learner's permit. If a student is less than 18 years of age, a written consent from their parent or legal guardian is needed to enroll in the course.

An entire driver education course can be completed within 6-10 weeks and includes around 25-30 hours of lecture and study in the classroom and 6-10 hours of behind the wheel training. Students cannot drive until they have completed the minimum required hours of classroom instruction. Some schools provide 40-50 hours of additional practice driving sessions that can be supervised by an experienced driver or parent.

Driver education classes are very similar to any other classroom setting. There is homework, reading assignments, worksheets, instructional delivery and assessments. Students also use computers, videos and simulations as learning tools. In addition, these classes also teach students proper driving attitudes, the dangers of drinking and driving, knowledge of traffic rules, recognizing road signs, understanding driving laws and regulations and techniques on how to drive safely. Some schools even teach students how to maintain their cars and keep them safe to drive.

Student must pass both practical and theory classes with 70% to 80% grades before they receive a certificate of completion that must be presented to the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) when applying for a driver's license.

As we all know, taking a driver education course produces safe and responsible drivers. That is why some insurance companies are known to give a good discount on the insurance policy to students based on their certificate of completion.